About the Author
M. Ann Ricks, (Melissa Ann), is a Christian Fiction novelist residing in Bear, Delaware with her excellent husband and two awesome sons. She is a graduate of Rider University and formerly a national accounts insurance executive. M. Ann is also what one may consider a motivational/inspirational speaker but she prefers the term, “Godspirational” as one may only be truly inspired, transformed and receive true revelation when hearing the uncompromised word of God. M. Ann also continues to utilize her group insurance knowledge as a Benefits and Network Consultant. Lastly, M. Ann is a Group Fitness instructor as she is determined to keep her natural “temple” fit and ready for the Master’s use! M. Ann is the author of Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance ,The Son. the much acclaimed, third novel, THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME.
A&RBC: How did you become a writer?
ANN: I have always enjoyed and had an interest in the art of writing. It was a “hidden love” for many years. Not until the pregnancy of my eldest son did I feel a need to unearth my hidden love and write. I began to simply write about the way I felt about the child growing inside of me and the love that I felt for my husband. But thank God, only, when I resolved to reconnect with the Master and sought to draw nigh to Him, did the desire to write become stronger and strangely, to my surprise, an urgent need. I realized that this could be my way of bringing souls into the Kingdom of God. Writing is a way to reach and impact the reader while leaving a lasting impression. I love the way words transported you from the confines of your bedroom or living room into another place. I Writing and inserting the word of God can in many cases transport you into the presence of God and that’s what I would love to share with all who read my stories.
A&RBC: Where does your inspiration for your characters come from?
ANN: With my other novels, I was very familiar with the characters… with THE BLOOD; I did more digging and listening than I ever had. I had to listen and be sensitive to what God wanted me to share. I had to do some real soul searching to reach Honey and meet her where she was. Her growth and transformation was important to the story and I had to allow God to show how make it evident and more importantly relatable to the reader. This novel was challenge and a blessing!
A&RBC: What are you hoping readers take from your book?
ANN: The message that I would love for all to receive from THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME is …regardless of who you are, what your lineage looks like, whatever you’ve done, whatever has been done to you, the blood of Jesus can make you a new creature because of its power. God loves us so much and because He loves us, He sacrificed His only son Jesus. Jesus became the sacrifice for us. We are absolved and even justified. We can walk in freedom and liberty because of what Jesus did. A new life is available for those who believe!
A&RBC: If you were to write a book about a controversial topic, what would it be?
ANN: I have to say that THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME does have controversial themes so I think I have accomplished that task. Many are writing about generational curses, the importance of forgiveness and the wonderful love of Jesus but no author has fictionally penned a novel that clearly identifies what Jesus did when he died for us. This novel makes the significance of His blood truly comprehensible to even the lay person. THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME shares a story but it provides the liberating truth scripturally. This novel communicates and confirms that no longer does one need to label themselves as a “recovering” alcoholic, drug addict or even an inevitable beneficiary of the many generational tendencies and sickness one can be set free from anything and everything, (shame of sexual abuse and molestation, promiscuity, homosexuality), and live guilt free. God has already forgiven and freed us. We must simply believe that we are free in Him.
A&RBC: What is your favorite genre of books?
ANN: My favorite genre of books are bible-based Christian Fiction novels.
A&RBC: Are you an avid or occasional reader?
ANN: Admittedly, I have become an audible.com junkie so essentially people are reading to me! I listen to a book a month. I have been able to sit down and read a book now and then but I love audio!
A&RBC: If you could interview one of your favorite authors, who would it be? Why?
ANN: I know that he was inspired by God but and God is the true author but I would love to sit down and speak with Paul. He, with aid of the Holy Spirit wrote most of the New Testament, endured mental and physical persecution and still managed to mentor his brothers and sisters in the gospel. I would bombard Him with questions. I would love to know if he was apprehensive like many of us, when we want to share the love of God and truth of who God is in word. Did he really have the seemingly unwavering faith that his letters (writings) would reach their destination, empower the churches and change the world? I’d ask how he received God’s direction. What words resounded in Him that allowed him to consistently stand and believe, and as a result, write and write and write. I truly believe that we all are inspired by God to do what we do… write about the awesome Savior, Jesus Christ and to bring others to Christ while bringing God glory. What an awesome conversation that would be…
A&RBC: If you could make a movie out of one of your books, which one would it be?
ANN: I honestly can’t choose! J
A&RBC: What new projects are you working on?
ANN: It is my hope to assist other Christian writers as with my literary workshop for aspiring Christian writers called, “Conversations…. Writing to Reconcile”. I had the wonderful opportunity to share it regionally but would love to be afforded a venue that could allow me to do so nationally. As believers in Christ it is our mandate to reconcile others to God. Using our literary gifts is certainly one way we can accomplish that awesome task. Additionally, for all who are interested, I distribute electronically, (on-line), a monthly newsletter, M. Ann’s Literary Communiqué and prayerfully it will continue to increase in circulation. Lastly, I’ve begun my 4th novel, The SHIFT!
A&RBC: Where can readers find you?
ANN: Please feel free to visit my website and, www.mannricks.net. You may find my novels on all online literary establishments. (i.e.: www.amazon.com / www.bn.com). For speaking engagement, Literary Dialogues and book club gatherings, please feel free to contact me directly using: Godsauthor@mannricks.net. I have an Author’s Page on Facebook: M. Ricks Literary Creations.
I consider it an honor and privilege Author Readers Book Corner would decide to spotlight me and my novel, THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME. This is truly a God-send. Thank You! GOD BLESS YOU!
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About The Book:
Undoubtedly damaged, Honey Lamb, like many, is a descendant of an unfortunate legacy of molestation, addiction, murder and bad decisions. For as long as she could remember, she believed the unhappiness she experienced was somehow bequeathed to her. The blood that surged through her veins seemed to be tainted and she often wondered about the DNA she possessed. Experiencing more than her share of misery at the hands of her mother, an alcoholic; the source of all her woes, Honey believed she’d overcome her seemingly checkered path all by herself when she met and married, Mason; a man she loves beyond her own understanding.
Unfortunately, unsettling memories emerge to crack the veneer of her seemingly happy existence. Feeling unable to escape what she believed to be her destiny, Honey makes a decision that may have ruined her life. Not realizing God places people in our lives for His purpose, she reluctantly embarks upon a journey that will open her heart to a divine inheritance. Will she accept what God has already given to her or will she shun the invitation of salvation and allow her familial carnal legacy to continue to the next generation? Will she come to understand that Jesus’ blood redeemed us from a self-defeating existence because He became the sinful inheritance for us while at the same time eradicating it forever, giving us a spiritual blood transfusion that would change us all?
Thanks Teresa for hosting Melissa on her book tour